Having lots of money is great as it allows us to provide the basic necessities for our family along with luxuries. We are able to afford good quality food and not being in debt. We could also send our children to good schools. Our children enjoying several extracurricular activities to develop their body and minds becomes possible. We are able to generously give to others especially in times of need and as gifts when appropriate. And very importantly, additional benefits include having sufficient money so that we could enjoy freedom from fear of poverty.
Money is the least of the 12 things that make a person rich. Unfortunately, it is so greatly misunderstood that people end up living their lives in want of it. Developing your mind to attract all the money you want brings true Riches and happiness.
Having lots of money is great as it allows us to provide the basic necessities for our family along with luxuries. We are able to afford good quality food and not being in debt. We could also send our children to good schools. Our children enjoying several extracurricular activities to develop their body and minds becomes possible. We are able to generously give to others especially in times of need and as gifts when appropriate. And very importantly, additional benefits include having sufficient money so that we could enjoy freedom from fear of poverty.
Money is the least of the 12 things that make a person rich. Unfortunately, it is so greatly misunderstood that people end up living their lives in want of it. Developing your mind to attract all the money you want brings true Riches and happiness.
Most of us would do almost anything to have the money to enjoy and do these things. However, we often do not necessarily understand how to really acquire money and have it work for us. We therefore focus our attention on a job and earning only from employment. Also, most of us do not understand how money works in order to maximise its value after acquire it.
Lack of true knowledge and understanding about money, results in long working hours causing stress, and still in debt. Maybe you were fortunate to be born in a stable family with good financial foundation and intelligence. Saving early and regularly may secured a comfortable future and retirement. However, you may still need to maintain good financial intelligence to win.
Most people are not able to achieve retirement in comfort, especially if they have not developed financial intelligence. Because of this, most people spend more than they earn and therefore end up in debt. During November 2018, it was stated in the Canadian news that the number of elderly people attending food banks, charity dinners to have a Christmas, is increasing each year.
Most of us would do almost anything to have the money to enjoy and do these things. However, we often do not necessarily understand how to really acquire money and have it work for us. We therefore focus our attention on a job and earning only from employment. Also, most of us do not understand how money works in order to maximise its value after acquire it.
Lack of true knowledge and understanding about money, results in long working hours causing stress, and still in debt. Maybe you were fortunate to be born in a stable family with good financial foundation and intelligence. Saving early and regularly may secured a comfortable future and retirement. However, you may still need to maintain good financial intelligence to win.
Most people are not able to achieve retirement in comfort, especially if they have not developed financial intelligence. Because of this, most people spend more than they earn and therefore end up in debt. During November 2018, it was stated in the Canadian news that the number of elderly people attending food banks, charity dinners to have a Christmas, is increasing each year.
If during people’s early years they knew that financial struggles would occur, it would caused them to think differently. Thinking properly about money would better position them for the future. People therefore have the false impression that because their current situation looks good, everything will be alright until death. Statistics show that the need for financial intelligence is critical.
If during people’s early years they knew that financial struggles would occur, it would caused them to think differently. Thinking properly about money would better position them for the future. People therefore have the false impression that because their current situation looks good, everything will be alright until death. Statistics show that the need for financial intelligence is critical.
Author’s Reflection
During my early years as a bachelor, I experienced financial difficulties and experienced debt during my 20s. It worsened to result in me borrowing money to survive. I had sell my home because my debt was increasing at a higher rate than my income. The profit from the sale of the property was insufficient to eliminate my debt. I ended up homeless and in debt even though I actually had a very good job.
Through my mind development, I was later able to purchase a larger and significantly more expensive house. Within 2 years, I successfully eliminate my debt before getting married. I further developed my financial intelligence to result in major improvement of my financial strength. I achieved significant improvement of our financial strength prior to any salary increase and my spouse rarely worked.
Our Commitment
Using Membership or Training and Coaching for mind reconditioning with FACSAD helps your mind development to attract money.
Choosing a package that includes money addresses financial intelligence and how money works. Maximising its use enables you to directly implement plans and actions to change your financial strength. Our Confidential Community Forum gives further support.
Author’s Reflection
During my early years as a bachelor, I experienced financial difficulties and experienced debt during my 20s. It worsened to result in me borrowing money to survive. I had sell my home because my debt was increasing at a higher rate than my income. The profit from the sale of the property was insufficient to eliminate my debt. I ended up homeless and in debt even though I actually had a very good job.
Through my mind development, I was later able to purchase a larger and significantly more expensive house. Within 2 years, I successfully eliminate my debt before getting married. I further developed my financial intelligence to result in major improvement of my financial strength. I achieved significant improvement of our financial strength prior to any salary increase and my spouse rarely worked.
Our Commitment
Using Membership or Training and Coaching for mind reconditioning with FACSAD helps your mind development to attract money.
Choosing a package that includes money addresses financial intelligence and how money works. Maximising its use enables you to directly implement plans and actions to change your financial strength. Our Confidential Community Forum gives further support.
How Money Works!
Free education on How Money Works is available for residents of Canada. This is independent of MindDev so you do not need to be a Member to benefit from it. Obtain an insight into this free education and support by contacting us to learn more.